Pet Meals On Wheels

Donated Pet Food/Products

The people that are getting helped by Meals on Wheels often have pets that can benefit from your donations as well. The Council on Aging can provide monthly Meals on Wheels pet food deliveries to pet-owners who receive Meals on Wheels.

St Johns County Council on Aging Meals on Wheels can always use a helping hand, even for pets! Your generous donations will be much appreciated. The most needed items are unopened dry dog and cat food, bird seed, vitamins, bed liners, room deodorizers, cat litter, toys, treats, etc…

The people that are getting helped by Meals on Wheels often have pets that can benefit from your donations as well. The Council on Aging can provide monthly Meals on Wheels pet food deliveries to pet-owners who receive Meals on Wheels. We are a pick-up location for pet supplies of all kinds. Food for dogs, cats and birds is especially appreciated, but toys, cat litter and pet beds are fabulous as well!

Please bring items by the clinic and leave them in the donation container in reception.

Thank you for your generosity!


DogFest & Canine Companions For Independence

Bartram Trail Veterinary Hospital is proud to have our team, “Will Walk For Treats”, participate in the annual Walk ‘n’ Roll DogFest to help raise awareness and donations for this amazing group.

Visit the DogFest site, click on the donate tab and then search for our team…Will Walk For Treats…and help us help this amazing organization!

Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence® is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.

The assistance dogs they breed, raise and train aren’t just the ears, hands and legs of their human partners. They’re also goodwill ambassadors and often, their best friends. They open up new opportunities and new possibilities, and spread incredible joy. We unite people with dogs in a powerful program that leads to greater independence and confidence.

They train four types of assistance dogs:

Service dogs assist adults with physical disabilities by performing daily tasks. “Mork helps me help myself. He can retrieve my phone and other dropped items, pull my wheelchair and open doors for me.” —Wallis and Service Dog Mork

Hearing dogs alert their partners, who are deaf and hard of hearing, to important sounds. “Thanks to Hazel, I don’t have to rely on someone to wake me up. I am less dependent on my family now.” —Karen and Hearing Dog Hazel

Facility dogs work with clients with special needs in a visitation, education, criminal justice or health care setting. “Sherlock allows many children to surprise themselves into doing things they might never have had the courage to try!” —Kristen and Facility Dog Sherlock

Skilled companions enhance independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities. “He has really changed my life and I like showing people how he helps me.” —Carter and Skilled Companion Hollen

From pup to assistance dog, Canine Companions breeds Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and a cross of the two to be assistance dogs. Volunteers care for our breeder dogs and nurture newborn puppies for eight weeks. Canine Companions puppies spend the next 14-18 months with volunteer puppy raisers who provide basic obedience training, socialization and care.

GoFundMe Campaign

Catie Clark, had extraordinarily bad years in 2018-19. She has fought through them like a champ.

Catie had three different cancers diagnosed and treated, and developed a neuropathy. Catie has continued working with us through this battle. Her medical bills are mounting. She lives with her parents as their primary caregiver and income generator. They are both unable to work. She is a true inspiration for us all. Visit her GoFundMe campaign, A Tale of Three Cancers.

Please read and spread the word. The more people that know about her, the more people can help! She’s an amazing person and will never give up in the face of adversity. Donations can be anonymous and are only accessible by her.


Bartram Trail HS Band Boosters

Bartram Trail Veterinary Hospital is a proud sponsor for the Bartram Trail High School band program.

Visit the Bartram Trail Band website and see what the band has been up to!

Every football season is REALLY marching band season (wink). The band performs at every regular season home game and most all of the away games as well. If the team goes to the play-offs, the band goes too. They are over 200 strong and coordinating all of those kids, instruments and uniforms is a logistical challenge. The band directors, band parents and kids are amazing!

The band participates in 1-2 marching competitions. They are scored directly against other bands. Every year they participate in MPAs. This is a performance competition where a panel of judges grades each band individually. Bartram has been the proud recipient of Superior scores since they started the band program! Since 2017, the Bartram Trail Band has also been the host. A huge undertaking as bands come from Clay, St Johns, and Duval counties to participate.

When concert season starts, the wind ensembles put on an annual Christmas concert. They also put on a Spring concert. They will prepare for another MPA competition for concert performance. All 3 ensembles compete and perform. The jazz ensembles puts on a Christmas performance. The jazz ensembles also participate in MPAs for jazz bands.

In January, the band sponsors a 5K Spirit Run fundraiser. The money raised goes toward the growing band program. The program includes the Spirit of Bartram Marching band, 3 wind ensembles and 3 jazz ensembles. Sign up and join us supporting the kids! Hint: check the band website!